Sen Lu

( 卢 森 )

Welcome to my webpage!

My name is Sen Lu and I am currently an assistant professor (tenure track) at School of Insurance and China Institute of Actuarial Science, Central University of Finance and Economics (Beijing). My primary field is empirical industrial organization. My research interests include the estimation of entry models, two-sided matching models under transferable utility and single-agent dynamic models. I have worked on applications relating to wireless carrier mergers, the driving school industry, the Thoroughbred breeding industry, and the motion picture industry.

You can find a copy of my CV here[pdf].

To contact me, please email me at senluxem[at] or senluxem[at]



Rice University, USA

Fudan University, China  

Southwestern University of Finance and Economics, China 

Working Paper

Sen Lu

Jeremy Fox and Sen Lu

Work in Progress